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Syane Findlay is an international personal and professional development trainer, professional speaker and coach known for her ability to inspire, empower and provoke positive change and transformation. As the founder and director of IC Potential, she has designed and facilitated training, workshops and seminars that have been rolled out to dozens of companies and thousands of people, receiving praise and incredible results. 


Her expertise includes the design and delivery of Personal Development/ Soft Skills programmes, hosting and facilitating organisational and team away days and providing professional speaker services to inspire, empower and motivate her audiences. 


Using her energy, creative zeal and warmth,  Syane has had the privilege of sharing her expertise globally with talented, high-potential professionals in top corporate organisations, industry groups, local government,  third sector  and educational institutions.    

Syane is also spreading her reach and message as the author of her bestselling book NO FEAR HERE: How to rise up and release your potential now available on Amazon. 

SYANE FINDLAY bestselling author persona
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